Welcome to Maximo Presbyterian Church!

Please join us for worship on Sundays IN PERSON or on LIVESTREAM

10:00 a.m. Eastern Time

3200 58th Avenue South | St. Petersburg, FL 33712



Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect on Sunday morning?

Worship takes place in person or on Livestream beginning at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time and ends at approximately 11:15 a.m. Eastern Time.  A church bulletin will guide you through prayers, hymns and scripture readings. Hymnals and Bibles are also available at your seat, if you are worshipping in person and enjoy a hands-on worship service.

Will I fit in?

Yes, as we are an affirming church to all God’s children regardless of age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family makeup or socioeconomic situation, physical character or disability, or any other identity or way in which people differ that establishes who we are in God’s eyes. We foster a safe environment, inviting all God’s children to share in the life, fellowship, worship, ministry, leadership, responsibilities, blessings, and joys of our faithful community.

What do I wear?

Wear what makes you comfortable while respectfully worshipping Jesus Christ. Some wear dresses or coat and tie while others where slacks and a casual top or shirt.

What type of music is played?

There’s a lot of music at Maximo! The choir sings at most services. The congregation joins in singing hymns and responses from Glory to God, the current Presbyterian Hymnal, accompanied on pipe organ or piano by the Music Director/Organist. Most congregational songs are traditional in nature, with an openness to multiple music styles, including jazz from time to time. The choir presents a special musical program at Easter and Christmas, accompanied by a small orchestra of professional musicians.

What happens after Worship?

After Worship people gather in the Narthex right outside the main worship area of the church to talk over coffee and light snacks. Visitors are welcome and encouraged to stay and introduce themselves.

Can anyone partake in Communion?

Yes, as Communion is available to all who wish to participate. This is a time for Christians to remember the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for each and every one of us. Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month along with specific Holy Days throughout the year.


3200 58th Avenue South | St. Petersburg, FL 33712


